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Since May 1st, North Shore, along with many other environmental, abandonment, and decommissioning service companies, has been busy making numerous grant funding applications under the Alberta Site Rehabilitation Program (ASRP). With many media and industry reports indicating that tens of thousands of applications were made under the program in just the first four or five days, it is evident that the Department of Energy (DOE) has a daunting task of trying to sort through all of the applications in an efficient and effective manner. We certainly do not envy that particular task! As such, the DOE has already issued statements that application processing times will be delayed due to the high participation in the program and the volume of applications made.
Over the last two weeks, additional information and updates to the ASRP have been released. Some of these updates include guideline and fact sheet documents related to the program specifics and instructions for making applications. All of these updates can be found on the ASRP web page for reference – https://www.alberta.ca/site-rehabilitation-program.aspx
Some additional clarifications from the DOE were also communicated through industry hosted information webinars. One of the more substantial clarifications made by the DOE about the program pertained to funding eligibility during the first and second phases of the program. The DOE indicated that because the intention of the program is to get Alberta Oil Field Service (OFS) Companies back to work as soon as possible, applications made during the first phases of the program will be reviewed and approved based on cost reasonableness without any significant consideration of a licensee’s ability to pay. This ultimately allows for fewer restrictions on which sites can be applied for, as well as for the DOE to review applications with increased flexibility and speed. However, further assessment on a licensee’s “ability to pay” may be implemented in future phases of the program as the application process is refined.
With the second phase of funding under the program proposed to be opened up later this week (May 15th), we are hopeful that additional details regarding the program and application processing will be communicated by the DOE in the coming days. In the meantime, North Shore would like to thank all licensees and OFS companies that have been working with us over the last few weeks to submit applications as part of this program. The willingness to participate and cooperate during the proposal and application process is greatly appreciated. There will no doubt be some great opportunities that are born out of this program and we are extremely excited to initiate the projects being proposed.
For additional information on how to work with North Shore as either an eligible producer/licensee, or as an applicable service provider, please contact us either by phone or the email below.
Contact – ABSiteRehabProgram@northshoreenv.com
Government Link – Alberta Site Rehabilitation Program