Accelerated Site Closure Program Announced

The Government of Saskatchewan published the details of the Accelerated Site Closure Program (ASCP) on their website. The primary purpose of this program is to put Saskatchewan people and companies back to work in the struggling oil and gas services sector. The ASCP will utilize$400 million of federal funding provided to the Province of Saskatchewan for the abandonment and reclamation of inactive oil and gas wells and facilities.

The program is being rolled out in multiple funding phases, starting with $100 million for Phase 1. Abandonment and reclamation work approved under Phase 1 will be funded at 100% of the eligible costs, paid directly to eligible service companies. Eligible licensees will receive a funding allocation established by considering the eligible licensee’s total deemed liability as a percentage of the total deemed liability of all eligible licensees. This ratio will be applied to the $100 million Phase 1 funding tranche to arrive at a licensee’s eligible funding allocation. The Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources will determine licensee eligibility and funding allocations which will be posted on no later than May 29, 2020.

Once the eligible licensee has its funding allocation, they will be required to nominate wells and facilities through the Integrated Resource Information System (IRIS). Phase 1 will close once the $100 million is fully prescribed, or at a date to be determined with sufficient advanced notice. Upon nomination of wells, facilities and sites, eligible licensees will identify preferred contractors. The program will make every effort to facilitate the licensee’s use of preferred contractors, though this may not be possible in all circumstances.

North Shore Environmental Consultants Inc. meets the eligible service company requirements and will be applying to become an eligible service company under the ASCP. We offer eligible activities for Phase 1 of the ASCP, including environmental site assessments (Phase 1 & Phase 2 ESAs), remediation, and surface reclamation work. Please contact us if you are interested in discussing the program or our service offerings in more detail.

Contact – Todd Clouse,, 306-216-7900

Government Link – Saskatchewan Accelerated Site Closure Program

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